Rules & Regulations
1. Student must be Punctual & Regular in attending the classes.
2. No student can avail leave without permission of the Centre In-charge / Concerned Authority.
3. Fees would be payable in advance and once paid would neither be refundable nor adjustable.
4. Fees must be paid on or before 7th of Every Month even in the case of absence/leave from the Centre otherwise a fine of Rs. 10/- per day would be charged after due date.
5. Library Charges Rs. 200/- as a Security. Library Books would be issued for maximum 14 Days. Failing in returning the book on the 15th day would invite for a fine of Rs. 2/- Per day.
6. The Centre shall have the right to change the Time schedule of the course at any working time.
7. Students must be in good behavior and respectful in the Class, practical lab and around the Centre Premises.
8. Parents/Guardians are advised to contact the Institute after receiving the Report of Irregularity, Indiscipline on the part of student or about Fees arrears & take Corrective action.
9. The Students are responsible for careless use of the Components, Tools, Apparatus and other equipment belonging to the Institute and entrusted to them for practical work and shall replace or pay for the articles lost or damaged while in their custody.
10. The batch/timings of student can be changed depending on the batch size/performance of the student.
11. The students are advised to read the Notice Board every day because all the information would be displayed on the notice board.
12. An Identity Card would be issued to every student. The card must be produced whenever demanded by an official of the Institute.
13. Certificate will be issued to the students having attendance 75% or above.
14. A Student who is absent from the Classes consecutively for 3 days or more may not sit in the class without the written permission from the Centre In charge.
15. The Application for Leave must be submitted in the prescribed format available from the Computer Room.
16. Where a student fails to attend his classes consecutively for a period exceeding one months without prior sanction, his/her name shall be liable to stuck off the rolls and he/she may be re-admitted within One Month with Fine of Rs. 100/-.
17. Students are advised to submit their assignments 15 days before the Final Examination