Director's Message
It is my privilege to welcome you all to HARTRON SKILL CENTRE Our Centre is committed providing quality accredited Career focused education for our student. The objective of our Centre is to provide facility and promote Studies in emerging area of higher education in new frontier of place in the state.
I am Confident that the Computer education of HARTRON SKILL CENTRE will create a powerful model for learning and teaching experience blends flexibility and Convenience for the learners prospectives with academic rigour and quality instructions.
I Extend my best wishes to our aspiring Students of Hartron Skill Centre.
RP education society was established in 1999 at established Ch. Dadri for promoting computer education in Dadri and adjoining areas.
RD education S0. HARTRON SEILL CENTRE has established in 2001 for Student in today’s world the Success of a student through the computer education.
Hope that his will prove a milestone in your area.

Manoj Sheoran
Founder, Former Director(HARTRON SKILL CENTER)